leading with PURPOSE

rising with presence


lead with intention

Let us help you clarify your values, lead with your purpose, and align your leadership practices to maximize performance in your organization, and everyday life. 

Christine is an Executive Leadership Coach, facilitator, leadership presence expert, and the founder of Authentic Ascent. She is known internationally for her ability to cultivate the safe space needed to clarify purpose for leaders and teams.

She combines the insights gained, with her clients’ natural talents and skills, to help them develop a unique filter for decision making and create alignment in their leadership practices.

Her presence, powerful intuition, and vast communication experience allows her to support clients with language to communicate on a deeper level and create common understanding and processes within their organization, and in everyday life.

meet christine 

Her innate ability to learn about what drives people on an individual basis, both personally and professionally, has allowed her to pull leaders into uncharted territories of success. Christine has worked with leaders in a variety of fields including: The National Football League, consulting, non-profit organizations, the Georgetown University Entrepreneurial Program, Healthcare, Government, Technology, Food & Beverage, and Media & Entertainment.


Prior to becoming a coach, Christine served on active duty for more than a decade as an Executive Communication Advisor, in the U.S. Air Force, and still serves as a reservist today. As a Bronze Star recipient, she has led international consultation and helped national and international leaders create communication strategies to address a variety of topics. She worked with the Secretary and Chief of Staff of the Air Force, governors, African & European Ambassadors and CEOs of space companies.

more about christine

She is a graduate of Georgetown’s flagship Leadership Coaching program and is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF). As the founder and CEO of Authentic Ascent, she brings with her a full roster of talented coaches, facilitators and experts.

Christine brings curiosity, clarity, compassion, courage and comedic relief to coaching and facilitation. As a Virginia native with Jamaican roots, she loves to dance, eat and travel. She is a devoted wife and mother to three beautiful little humans, and she often says she gets some of her best leadership lessons from experiencing life with them.

contact christine


as your leadership coach, we can help:

maximize performance

shape culture







your values, strengths, perceptions and motivations.


authentic coaching


which of your






your impact, and


Coaching is a thought partnership designed to unlock a person’s performance and maximize their potential. Successful coaching requires the right chemistry between the coach and the client.

At Authentic Ascent, we understand that every client is unique, whole and facing specific life and work challenges. We offer coaches with diverse expertise, backgrounds and perspectives to partner in a way that feels true and ensures each client can achieve their goals. Together, we will:

what drives you:

behaviors serve you. Then articulate your goals and create strategic alignment. 

with intention, learning new skills, preserving strengths and trying new behaviors consistently.  

establish sustainable change by identifying long-term support and reinforcements. 

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authentic offerings

Discover valuable insights to help you maximize your potential and achieve personal & professional goals.

Our team of experts design retreats/workshops to be transformative and immersive experiences for your team.

team development

We facilitate leadership development workshops focusing on a variety of interpersonal topics.

Leadership Workshops

executive coaching

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executive coaching

Group coaching is a facilitated group development process led by a coach and formed with the intention of maximizing the collective experience, and wisdom of the individuals in the group in order to achieve organizational objectives and/or individual goals. This option is great for leaders interested in building community and long-lasting relationships with other likeminded peers.

group coaching

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1:1 Executive Leadership coaching is a personalized and confidential partnership where a high-level leader works closely with a skilled coach on a one-on-one basis. This partnership is designed to help the executive gain valuable insights, overcome challenges, and maximize their potential to achieve both personal and organization goals.  

1:1 Executive Leadership Coaching

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leadership workshops

listening with intention

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courageous conversations

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personal narrative

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communicating with empathy

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authentic presence

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charting your career path

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 team development

Transformative and immersive experiences designed to strengthen leadership skills, foster teamwork, and enhance overall performance. Through a combination of workshops, outdoor activities, and reflective sessions, participants gain valuable insights, build meaningful connections, and return to their roles with renewed focus and motivation, driving organizational success.

retreats for executives & teams

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"Building Effective Teams" is a dynamic, customized workshop that equips participants with the essential skills to create a high-performing team. Through interactive workshops and team-building exercises, individuals learn to foster collaboration, enhance communication, and leverage diverse strengths, resulting in cohesive and successful team dynamics.

how to build effective teams

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"Authentic Presence" is a transformative workshop designed to help individuals develop genuine and impactful connections with others. This workshop helps leaders understand the two approaches to developing presence, and the range of behaviors and mindsets that contribute to presence. The “hands-on” practical application leaves leaders feeling more confident and enables them to lead, communicate and inspire others with their authentic and compelling presence.

authentic presence

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leadership workshops

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A comprehensive and practical workshop that assists individuals in identifying their professional aspirations, assessing their strengths, and strategizing their career advancement. Through guided, goal-setting exercises, participants gain the confidence and clarity to make informed decisions, navigate career challenges, and proactively pursue a fulfilling and successful career.

Charting your career path

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leadership workshops

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This workshop is designed to help individuals develop a deeper understanding of others' emotions and perspectives. Through interactive workshops and practical exercises, participants learn how to listen actively, respond with sensitivity, and build stronger connections, resulting in more meaningful and harmonious interactions in both personal and professional settings.

Communicating with empathy

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leadership workshops

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This workshop provides a framework and the communication skills necessary to confidently have those difficult conversations. By the end of this workshop, you’ll be giving feedback like a boss!

Courageous Conversations

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leadership workshops

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The "Personal Narrative" workshop empowers you to use your unique career, discover and articulate your unique life stories and values, enabling you to create a compelling and authentic personal brand. Through guided storytelling exercises and reflective sessions, participants gain clarity on their identity, strengths, and purpose, creating a filter to make decisions and fostering greater self-confidence and deeper connection with others.

Personal Narrative

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leadership workshops

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Authentic Ascent will teach you how to listen with intention, including asking effective questions and showing active listening skills. By the end of this workshop, you’ll have the tools to make teams and everyone you interact with feel truly seen and heard.

listening with intention

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leadership workshops

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"Christine is a phenomenal facilitator and coach. I participated in her week-long professional development workshop and enjoyed every second with her. She listens deeply, communicates clearly, and encourages you to think differently. I particularly appreciated her focus on values-based leadership and will always welcome her perspective."

Taylor Robinson
management consultant | McKinsey

"Christine Guthrie has the unique skillset to reach a team of people on a deeper level and help them to know what is possible. Her innate ability to ask the right questions at the right time allowed her to connect quickly with the Buffalo Bills Scouting staff. The Bills not only appreciated her team building work, they all benefited from Christine's style and wisdom."

Sherry Cybularz

"I came to Christine while in a deep life and career shift, seeking guidance on finding a firm foundation through it all. Christine led me through clarifying my personal values and showed me how to filter out what did not matter and amplify what did. Our work together built the firm foundation I was seeking, producing deeply impactful results in my personal life and career. I am so grateful to have found her when I did and will gladly recommend Christine to anyone needing guidance in their own new chapter!"


"Christine has a talent for pushing me to go deeper to identify issues and solutions while also being supportive and creating an atmosphere of trust. I am impressed with her ability to intuit when the issue I am truly struggling with is something other than what I identify initially. She is very compassionate and empathetic, while still driving me to move from anxiety to solutions. She has a really useful toolkit of ideas and reflection practices that have helped me strengthen my leadership and navigate through a number of challenges. She excels at setting goals, pushing me to find solutions and staying focused. I highly recommend Christine. She is an exceptionally talented coach!"


"For over seven years, Christine’s guidance has had a tremendous impact on my career post-military-retirement. I did not realize how much my brand could grow until I received mentoring from Christine. Her strategic assistance helped me identify new branding and marketing strategies needed for my business to grow. Since incorporating the changes, my social media presence has increased four-fold. If you want to ascend to the next level, hiring Christine is a must."


"We turn to Christine Guthrie when we are looking for that extra connection with our clients. She has the ability to meet people where they are and quickly understand their needs from their wants. Christine connected with the NFL Club Human Resource leaders in a heartbeat. She helped these driven people to truly understand W.I.N. (What's Important Now) and made a difference in the room instantly. Christine is a true pro at reaching and serving people."

John Hartwig